Re-Issue & Recall of
- Books
shall be re-issued to the same borrower at once only. The Librarian can
recall books at any time, if need arises.
Condition of Loan:
- The
borrower shell be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at
the time of returning the book.
- All
the books shall be returned on or before the due date mentioned in the
Overdue &
- Till
the end of examination we will not charge any fine but after the exam we
will charge Rs.50.00/book/month.
- For
Overnight issued books Rs.5.00/book/day.
Loss of ID Card:
- Members
shall be held responsible for the loss & misuse of ID card. First one
has to write a letter to the Principal to get permission for the duplicate
ID card & the same is to be submitted to the librarian. Duplicate ID
card will be issued at the cost of Rs.100.00.
Loss of Books, CDs &
DVDs, etc.:
- A
material lost by the Member shall be replaced either with latest edition
or pay Triple the price of the material.
- If
a volume of a Multi-volume publication is lost, one has to bear the
complete set price if the lost volume is not available in the market.
Things 'to Do' & 'Not to
- Only registered members of the college are allowed to
use the Library.
- You will not be entertained
without the valid I.D. card, and it is Non-Transferable.
- Using of Mobile Phone and other gazettes in the Library
is strictly prohibited.
- Reference books and Periodicals are not issued out side
the library premises.
- Maintain Silence in the Library especially in the
Reading Hall.
- Eating, chewing, and smoking is strictly prohibited.
- Borrowers must satisfy themselves with the physical
condition of books before borrowing.
- Members are responsible for books issued against their
lost tickets.
- Using computers of Library for emails, chatting &
Preparing PPT is prohibited.
- Readers’ should not write in, mark or otherwise
disfigure/damage books, furniture, etc.
- Entry in the Book Stacking Section with Bag, books and
other materials is strictly prohibited.